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As featured in the Sunday Mourning Read | Good Mourning Podcast

Updated: Jun 12, 2022

Behind Beautiful Mamas | the story


I never expected to be sharing the start of my motherhood journey with grief. After losing my Dad unexpectedly within weeks of having my baby, I found myself in the deepest, darkest of holes. The celebration of new life was quickly swallowed up by grief. Our world went from a rainbow of colour, to no colour at all. The body aches from child birth were nothing compared to the ache in my heart. I never thought I’d find the beauty in life, ever again. Little did I know, my grief journey was only just beginning. And it wouldn’t be grief that defined this chapter of my life. It would be growth, creativity, and mostly, love.

From the very start of my grief encounter, I knew something needed to be done about managing the heavy load that comes with not just grief, but motherhood too. As it turns out, grieving is physically and emotionally exhausting. As it becoming a Mum.

To survive the hot mess that was my life, I set out on a quest to channel the abundance of pain and heartache that comes with losing a loved one, partner it up with the chaos of navigating motherhood, and turn the combination of both into something bloody beautiful.

In what started as hand-blending bath salts with essential oils, organic dried botanicals and crystals, and gifting a few to friends. Soon turned into a large wholesale account that reached a range of boutique stores Australia-wide. After re-gathering my vision and priorities this year, it felt right to change the direction of my business and create space for offerings that focused on supporting people in grief - reflecting the very thing that landed me here in the first place.

Today, Beautiful Mamas offers a range of grief offerings. It was my vision to create a collection from the heart, one that honours grief just as much as it honours love. Because, as the saying goes, that’s all grief is, it’s love.

Taking the plunge into this creative adventure was the ultimate attempt to heal my broken heart. And it has. It’s provided the space and nurturing I needed to let go of the broken parts of me, and make room for the new. But most of all, it’s proved how very important it is to honour your loved one after they die in a way that works for you. Say their name, share them with the world, keep their spirit alive with everything you do and with everyone you love.

Like motherhood, you need a village for grief too.


Follow Good Mourning Podcast on Instagram for all things grief (@goodmourningpodcast) and be sure to sign up to their fortnightly newsletter, the Sunday Mourning Read.

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